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The Country & People of Comoros
This page contains links to sites in Comoros and Comoros related sites.
For Middle East, North Africa, Arab and regional information visit Arab Countries
Comoros, the, officially Union of the Comoros, republic (1995 est. pop. 549,000), 718 sq mi (1,862 sq km), occupying most of the Comoro Islands, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, between the African coast and Madagascar. The capital is Moroni. It consists of three volcanic main islands—Njazidja, Nzwani, and Mwali (formerly Grande-Comore, Anjouan, and Moheli, respectively)—as well as numerous coral reefs and islets. A fourth island, Mayotte, is administered by France but claimed by the Comoros. Because of poor soil, lack of natural resources, and overpopulation, the islands have severe economic problems. Most of the population is engaged in agriculture, involving subsistence crops and the production of vanilla, copra, and essential oils for export. The people are of mixed African, Arab, Malay, and Indian descent. French and Arabic are the official languages, but most people speak a local blend of Swahili and Arabic. The state religion is Islam.
Originally populated by immigrants from Africa, Indonesia, and Arabia, the islands were ceded to the French between 1841 and 1909. After occupation by the British in World War II, they were granted administrative autonomy within the French Union (1946) and internal self-government (1968). In 1974 the islands voted to become independent, except for Mayotte, which chose to remain under French control. In 1978 the Comoros was proclaimed a federal Islamic republic; shortly thereafter, a one-party state was formed under Pres. Ahmed Abdallah Abderrahman. After his assassination in 1989, Saïd Mohamed Djohar became interim president and subsequently won election in a multiparty contest. He survived an impeachment attempt in 1991 and several coup attempts. In 1996 Mohamed Taki Abdulkarim was elected president. In 1997 rebels took control of the islands of Nzwani and Mwali, declaring their secession and desire to return to French rule. In 1999 the islands were granted greater autonomy. Following a coup in Apr. 1999, Col. Azali Assoumani assumed the Comoran presidency. Nzwani voted (2000) for indepedence, but in 2001 forces favoring reuniting with the Comoros seized power there, and a Comoran referendum approved additional autonomy for the three islands. Azali resigned (2002) prior to new elections, and Prime Min. Hamada Madi became interim president. After two disputed elections, Azali was declared president in May 2002. An accord in Dec., 2003, concerning the division of powers between the federal and island governments paved the way for legislative elections in 2004, in which parties favoring autonomy for the individual islands won a majority of the seats.
Copyright (c) 2003 Columbia University Press.
Used by permission of Columbia University Press.
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public hospitals, institutions, societies, foreign entities....
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travel tips, weather....
Gateways, search engines and directories to country related sites and information....
Arab Countries
Arab World: Middle East, North Africa, Arab and regional information. Resources to other Arab countries....
Most local links in other categories also include extensive or interesting country information.
All sites are in English or an English version is available except where indicated with flag(s) without "+".
The flag(s) means the site is available in the language of the flag(s). If more than 5 languages (other than Arabic or English) the UN flag is used, example
means 5 languages other than English or Arabic
means it is available in Arabic only and + is available in Arabic and English
About Comoros
General Information Also see Travel
- All Referer
Earth & environment, history, literature & arts, people, places, plants & animals, religion, science & technology, sports & everyday life....
- Arab DataNet
Country profile, key facts, overview, economic review, political structure, sector analysis, investment, government, companies....
- ArabInfo Overview, government, history, links
- ArabNet Overview, history, geography, business, culture, government, transport, tour guide, links
- Atlapedia Geography, climate, people, demography, religion, education, modern history, currency, other information....
- BBC - Country Profile Overview, facts, leaders, media....
- Britannica.Com Country info, land, people, economy, society, government, history, culture, maps, statistics, links....
- CIA World Factbook Map, geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, issues
- Comoro Islands Geography, climate, population, language, music....
- Country Reports Economy, defense, geography, government, people, anthem, map, news, weather, links....
- encarta OnLine Info, land & resources, population, economy, government, history, other related items, links....
- expedia Almanac, fast facts, communications, on business, health & safety, transportation, traveler's directory
- Info Please General info, map, geography, government, history, land & people....
- MweziNet +
Encyclopedia of Comoros Islands. Web magazine - economy, press, education, history, politics, society and traditions, literature, music....
- Nation By Nation Info, government, human rights, news, geography, history, people, links....
- Travel Notes Isalands info....
- US Department of State - Background Notes People, history, government, political conditions, economy, travel, business, foreign relations....
- US Library of Congress Everything you ever wanted to know about Comoros....
- Wikipedia +
History, politics, geography, economics, demographics, culture, other topics....
- World66 General info, cities, history, people, economy, getting around, getting there, links....
Cities, Towns, Municipalities & Places
Flag, Maps, Emblems and other information....
- Cellular News Cellular coverage map, systems, frequencies....
- Comores-Online +
The paradise for Comoros and Mayotte collectors - Philately, postcards, phonecards, maps, engravings....
- ethnologue Languages
- Flag Description, meaning, history, interesting facts
- Flag Explanation, historical, military & political flags, subdivisions, national emblem....
- Graphic Maps Map and position....
- Map Large political map....
- Map Large shaded relief map....
- World Clock Local time, sunrise, sunset, GMT offset, daylight saving....
- World Paper Money Paper currency since 1960
About Comoros
* Business
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* education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
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* Gateways
* Arab Countries
Business and Economy
General, Economy, Reports & Statistics
- Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Fact sheet (pdf) & travel information....
- Bilateral Relations with Japan Diplomatic, investment, economic cooperation, residents....
- Comoros and the IMF Position in the fund, reports....
- MBendi Business information, news, industries, events
- Muslim Trade Network Trade reference directory and guide....
- Organization of Islamic Countries +
The most comprehensive database: statistical, economic and social
- US Department of Energy - Comoros Energy-related data, analysis & reports....
- World Bank Overview, news & events, data & statistics, publications & reports, development topics, projects & programs, Public Information Center
Directories, Job Opportunities
Investment & Promotion....
About Comoros
* Business
* Culture
* education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Arab Countries
Art, Culture & Sport
General resources, Heritage....
- Public Places Small squares (bangwe)....
Art, Literature, Photography, Cinema....
Guide to Theatres +
Activity, companies, places, events, festivals....
Music, Song & Dance....
- Maalesh Group +
Traditional Comorian music....
Cultural, Scientific, Environmental, Sporting Entities & Info
- Action Comores To help alleviate the environmental problems of the Comores (our project is Livingstone's flying fox)
- Animal Info Threatened species, environmental and social data
- AquaStat
Information on quantity and quality of freshwater and its availability
- Dinofish Coelacanth: The fish out of time.
- Lemuridae Lemurs are found only in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands....
- Mother Jones Dynamite fishing, coral mining, and farm runoff take a toll
About Comoros
* Business
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* education
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* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Arab Countries
Schools, Colleges, Academies, Universities & Polytechnics
Institutions & Organizations
Research, Resources & Projects
About Comoros
* Business
* Culture
* education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Arab Countries
History, Human Right & Politics
Ancient & Modern....
- BBC Timeline A chronology of key events
- Political Geography History
- World History Archives The history of the Union of Comoros Islands
- World Statesmen Flags, chronology, rulers, governors, ministers, commissioners....
Human Rights, Politics & Political Parties....
- Human Rights Watch +
Human rights developments & report
- US Department of State Country reports on human rights practices
- Parti Republicain des Comores
Related Sites, Articles....
- Elections
Results, parties, parliament, electoral institutes, electoral calendar, political database....
About Comoros
* Business
* Culture
* education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Arab Countries
Visit Arab Media for satellite stations & Arab newspapers
Newspapers, Magazines....
- Al-Watan
- La Gazette
- Le Matin
Daily newspaper
OnLine News, Newsletters, News agencies....
- AllAfrica.Com News plus, news wire....
- Comoros News New from World News Network....
- Washington Post News & references
Radio, TV, Internet....
- Radio Ocean Indien
Articles, Reports, Cartoons....
- One World Archives, articles and news from different sources
About Comoros
* Business
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* education
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* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Arab Countries
Visit Arab Organizations for Pan-Arab, Middle East, North Africa and regional organizations
Government & Organizations, Corporations, Societies....
Government, Ministries, Councils....
- Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members
- Political Leaders Dates and figures of the leadership since 1975 (with pictures)
- President of the Comoros Union +
Official website - Government documents, information, directories....
- Conference of the Partners of the Union of the Comoros +
A fundamental law in which each island enjoys a broad autonomy
- Comores Telecom
Societe Nationale des Telecommunication
- Domain.KM
Supplier of the domain names .km
- Permanent Mission to UN
Les Comores, economie, tourisme, administration, chancelleries, presidence de la republique....
Corporations, Organizations, Public Hospitals and Industrial Entities
Centers, Institutions, Societies....
Foreign Entities
- United Nations
Le Programme des Nations Unies pour le developpement
- World Health Organization Tobacco & health, socio-economic situation
About Comoros
* Business
* Culture
* education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Arab Countries
Travel & Tourism
Airlines, Air, Sea & Coach Charters services
- Axis Airways +
Official website - Government documents, information, directories....
Travel, Tours, Guides.... More country info
- Lonely Planet Travel information, maps, photos, background historical and cultural information....
- Travel Guide General & trave info, money, duty free, health, accommodation, visas....
- World Travel Guide Travel information, regions & places....
Hotels, Resorts, Inns, Hostels....
- Inn26 Hotels and motels directory, local info....
Health & Travel Tips
- Foreign & Commonwealth Office Travel information, country advise, latest travel updates....
- Travel Document Systems Passports, visas, travel documents
- US Consular Information Warning, visa, security, health, crime/drug penalties....
- Weather Underground Temperature, humidity, pressure and conditions by city
- Yahoo Weather By city. Forcast, sunrise, sunset, humidity, wind, dewpoint....
About Comoros
* Business
* Culture
* education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Arab Countries
Visit Arab Gateways for Arab and other country links
Gateways to Comoros
- Agenda des Comores
Le premier portail de l'Union des Comores
- Comores-Online +
About Comoros
* Business
* Culture
* education
* History
* Media
* Organizations
* Travel
* Gateways
* Arab Countries
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